I thought I was going to post about my husband being a jerk... but apparently that's not happening today (although he did piss me off this morning).
I guess I'm in shock really.
A friend picked me up, as planned, to go shopping this afternoon. I told her about the pg test and everything and was explaining that I should know that it's not a good time, but am upset anyway... to which she said, something about it being in Gods time (very true) and then went back and said, "You've already had one" - and pointed to the baby - "on your time, the next will be in God's time"
I told her that the baby really wasn't in our time lol... We hadn't planned it, we weren't wanting to be pg... In fact we were pretty upset about it at first... as much as I hate to remember that.. it's true. I wouldn't change a thing now of course... but still.
So I explained that and went on... and reiterated the whole it was in God's time thing (or I think she did, something)... I don't remember exactly what context I said it but I said something about there's nothing we can do anyway lol, you know if it happens it happens, and she got this quiet look as if she disagrees.
What did she think killing the baby was really an option? Because it seriously sounded as if she was saying (and I guess you had to be there because I know I'm not wording this right) that we chose to have her even though we shouldn't have (note: she loves the baby, don't get me wrong here). Or at least that it was our choice and not God's... which makes absolutely no sense...
Like I said it kinda shocked me... more than kind of shocked me. I know she loves the baby... and she never commented to me about anything like that when we found out we were pg and I'm assuming she didn't to my husband either because he would have flipped and I'd have heard about it.
Anyways, the night was great other than that lol. Well I was tired, am tired... and still have a lot to do... which is why I should get off of here.
September: A Month of Firsts
8 years ago