For awhile it was going along great other than the fact that we had a couple of oops moments when we knew we shouldn't. CM showing fertile and cervix being open, I really think I ovulated then.. It makes sense... (which brings up a whole different subject of me on pins and needles until I can test) and the chart agreed.
But then a few days ago the stupid Ovulite showed ferns and complely screwed things up. Becuase my "ferning date" was on the 18th, it put my overall date on the 10th. This makes no sense, because I know the CM method should trump all. On top of the last two cycles ferning has not lined up w/ my ovulation at all... So I figured this is just from wacky nursing hormones and manually changed the ovulation date on my chart. I saved it at that point, so here you can see my ovulation date outlined in blue to show that I set it myself. Because temps were so wacky and not set there's all that purple all over the place and looks as if I still hadn't yet though...
Well today... My temp shot up... it has to stay up there 3 days to set a BBT date, so that's not on there yet... but it's changed my shading and making me question myself... esp since last month I ovulated only a few days (almost a week though I think) before this. But... my cervix is closed... My CM is showing infertile... If it wasn't so obvious I'd say maybe I just thought I was earlier, but no.

I'm still gonna test as planned on Sat.. and we'll see what my chart does in the meantime. Frusterated though because normally it's not this stupid. Sorry just needed to get that out...
Sorry for the stupid formatting... it won't let me fix it for some odd reason!
ReplyDeleteits ok.... lol.. maybe tmi for most people but I think you and I have talked about it enough ;-) anyway.... I am sorry it is frustrating you.... so a friend suggested I look at the book "taking control of your fertilitiy" you know this friend... she is recently pregnant and she got pregnant 3 weeks after reading this book..... when she had been trying for 2 years. So I think maybe I could check it out after I test this weekend if I am not... don't know if I wanna buy it though:-( can't decide. Anyway. LOVE YOU
ReplyDeleteWell, I'll be honest. Most of that was Greek to me. I looked up a little bit of the terms in order to understand what you were saying a little bit better, but I'm still confused. But perhaps if we'd done more of that and less of relying on things that obviously didn't work, we'd have had our kids more in line w/ our plans. Oh well, I don't know what I'd do w/o my little ones now that they're here. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm anxious to hear about your test and I hope that everything starts making more sense soon.
Abby ~ There are several girls on my message board that struggle w/ infertility that have read that book and it's helped them. If nothing else, maybe your local library would have it? Either way, know you're in my prayers!
Abby - I want that book so bad!!! I've heard it recommended all over the place. Half priced has it, but it's still 10 dollars and I can't justify it lol. Because of the number of people recommending it, I feel ok suggesting it even w/out reading it though and have mentioned it to several others. I'm surprised I hadn't to you lol. They also have a website, that I believe is linked to the nhhm blog.
ReplyDeleteSteph - Sorry! I knew some wouldn't understand what I was talking about but had to get it off my chest. I respect those that just leave it and let what happens happen, but... I'm not sure I could lol. As it is we get grief about not using birth control and comments about how unreliable this is (is not... same percentages as bc).
Of course, Kalila happened because I didn't quite know what I was doing yet lol... (I should have started learning to chart years ago and I just didn't.) Looking back I can see it, but things worked out for the best. Now if I am this time, it's not going to be for the same reason lol... we knew what we were doing. Knew it was a risk. Silly us.
I'll definately post when I test.. I actually just picked it up. Decided not to until now because I knew it'd burn a whole in the cabinet lol.
Don't apologize! Goodness ... it's your blog and you needed to vent about it. So do so! ;)
ReplyDeleteWe were relying on a combination of pills and condemns with Kairi as per my dr's advice. Yeah .... didn't work. With Alex it was just pills, but I'd been on them longer. Either way, I should have taken control better and learned more about taking care of it myself. I knew I needed to, I just didn't see Chris wanting to even try .... But again, I couldn't imagine my life differently now that I have the kids.
Understood... The dr we used w/ Kalila tried to convince us to use something, but I didn't let him get to what before I told him I wouldn't lol. It got me laughed at and made fun of (reason 234234 I won't go back to him) but that's ok.
ReplyDeleteI've known a lot of women get pregnant on various types of birth control... my SIL did on the shot even... and a cousin had an IUD... poor thing, everyone was scared the entire pg at what was going to happen because of it.
Honestly my husband... wasn't so big on it at first, but he understands why we can't do anything else. After learning how most of them work, he has a problem with that... and the ones that don't he looks w/ the understanding that, any other reason not withstanding, if we use them then we can't receive Communion.
Even having "messed up" when we first started... I wouldn't change anything either. I know I'll feel the same way about any other surprises too :~D