Saturday, January 24, 2009


I shouldn't be upset... I know that. Logically now is not a good time. We want my husband to be, at least, closer to being done w/ school (he grads in Dec)... Right now would be very awkward timing w/ the whole breastfeeding situation... Either the baby would wean earlier than we'd like (can happen in pg) or we'd be working on weaning just about the time the new baby came. I can just imagine how hard that would be, and it runs the risk of her becoming jealous. We could tandom for a couple months or so to help... but I don't see my husband being ok w/ that. 2 years is the absolute limit in his mind lol (a few months doesn't bother me, but I agree with him that I don't want to go on longer than that). Plus, the big one, our insurance should be kicking in soon... in a few months if all goes well (praying it does here). And we really need that before we start TTC. We could manage before... but definately not the best situation.

So why am I upset???

Oh well... My chart still doesn't make sense btw... As of today it changed again. Its a good thing I'm confident in myself w/ the CM (cervical mucus) and CP (cervical position) stuff, because otherwise I'd be pulling my hair out when I saw this:

Note: this is not normal for me... Last month it worked out perfectly... and I still like the website I use a ton better than the other I tried... and even better than using a paper chart. I was talking to another friend who uses it, and she's having similar temp issues and we're thinking it might be the weather. If we did partner temps (where my husband took his too) then we might be able to verify that... but isn't really an option lol. Part of me is just ready for this cycle to end (uggh) so I can start over lol. (Obviously if it hasn't in a couple weeks I'll retest, but my guess is that it will tomorrow lol)

Anyways, gotta go.. Lots to do... and besides, I should be back later to vent on a whole different subject lol


  1. sorry sweety, I obviously got a negative too. I am trying so hard to be patient and to understand Gods timing but its hard. It really is hard.

  2. I hope that you get this straightened out and that everything starts making sense soon!

    Abby ~ You're in my prayers.

  3. Thanks. My chart is saying I should start in a couple days (I tested on 14 because that's when I started last month, but it's averaging later due to past ones). In a way it makes me wonder if I just tested too early, but I'm not going to worry about it. I'll start soon and I know next month will be better lol.
