Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Raining & Pouring

Why is it when there are 5 million other things going on and I'm already drained that something like this has to happen?

I'm not going into the whole thng because I already did on my family blog... but the cat was bit by a brown recluse. So we're worried about us... Worried about her. They think she'll only have scarring, but there's still a small chance she will lose toes or foot/leg. I know she'll be ok even if that happens, but... it still has me pretty upset.

On top of that we really can't afford this. Thankfully the vet is awesome and working with us like crazy to keep costs down. But still... Last night my husband was telling one of his friends about it and I heard the guy suggest that we may have to put her down instead if the bill gts to high. I ignored it... because I don't want to think about it... but I don't know what I'd do if we had to. She helped me get through the adjustment period after the wedding.. The baby is so attached to her. She goes around saying her name all the time...

Anyways, I'm worrying about nothing I know...


  1. People didn't understand why we would pay so much money for a vet. Truth is, Our dogs are like family as your cats are like family to you. Some people don't understand that. When it comes right down to it, after putting her through treatment for a while if you decide that the costs are too high you still have to pay what you have already paid. It was hard for me, because I felt if we have already gotten a bill for this amount.... then I would like to still have my babies around in order to make it worth paying the bill. I don't know, I hope that you don't even have to make that decision. Hang in there sweety. God will provide.

  2. Thanks. I don't think we will have to deal with that... but I've been afraid of it from the beginning because she was so sick.

    We're hoping to have a dog eventually too (like when we get a house) and I know I'll be just as attached to him or her too lol. Pets are part of the family.

  3. Other people do not understand the pets can become like family members. Hopefully, you won't have to deal with putting her down. I am sorry friend.

  4. Thanks. I thought of you while we were at the vet the first time.

  5. You know, our dogs are our babies... since we have been unable to have our own so far :-D

  6. We have the experience of when it rains it pours here on a regular basis it seems. NOT fun.

    And our pets ARE a part of our family (well, except Tiger -- but that's another story altogether). I'm so glad that your vet is willing to work with you. And I hope that Mumble is better VERY soon.
