Saturday, January 10, 2009

More of Lifes Ups and Downs

I've mentioned lately that I was supposed to start babysitting on Monday... I don't remember if it was on here or the other blog, but still I'm pretty sure I mentioned it lol. I've really been looking forward to it. Partly because we really need the money right now, but also because I'z looking forward to having a baby around.

Well, I got a call from his mama today... Her mom is going to watch him for free until she goes back to work... She said maybe around March... I'm not mad or upset at all of course, I completely understand. I'd do the same thing if I was in her place. But I am a little disapointed.... We went out and bought a cartridge for the diaper genie yesterday (it's ok.. it'll still be good in March lol), I've been cleaning like crazy to be ready for him (granted I needed to do that anyway), and had plans for the money...

On that note... When I first talked to her about watching him (early Nov) I couldn't wait to tell my husband... We were making it but the extra money was going to be good right? And then he called and told me that he'd lost his job... So I was on pins and needles about when I was going to start even though I understood why she was waiting as long as possible before going back to work. Then he got this job at McDonalds right about the time we were starting to narrow down my start date. It's a job and doesn't pay badly but we still really need the extra money. He applied a week or two ago for another job that's much better, passed the test and had a great interview... but we won't find out for sure if he's got it until Monday. I really hope he does... we need it now.

Thankfully he was really good about it when she called earlier... Got this really positive attitude about seeing if we can advertize at the birthing center since we're willing to work w/ cloth diapers and all that.

Of course after being so sweet he just about ruined it by making a comment about me not playing on here too long when he left... after he's spent all morning playing WOW.

And on a completely different note... For some reason google and blogger are acting up on firefox. I have this account up on explorer and it's fine, but my other one keeps scrambling my words!


  1. :-) You are slightly random :-) just letting you know. I am sorry, I always get annoyed when my hubby says not to play on the computer for long when he will spend the time on the video games anyway;-) :-) love you

  2. Ok... I know I'm random but I'm not sure how this shows it any more than normal lol.

  3. I hope you find a new baby to care for. Isn't this the second time a babysitting job fell through? Darn!

  4. Well.. yes and no.

    The first one was my neighbors son... and they went psycho, the mother left w/ out telling the father - just packed up and left while I had the baby. Later she ended up stabbing her ex.

    The next was for another friend of ours. It didn't fall through, just fizzled out. We were watching him while his sitto was recovering from surgery. She's better now... and watches him for free. I still watch him when needed, it's just not very often anymore. We've talked about setting something up (even at no cost) to get the little boy out and around another baby some, but so far his sitto's blocking it.

    So third time.. and this one has been pushed back several times now. I hope it works out in March for sure... and either way that I do find another one lol.

  5. I hope that you get another one and fast!

    And random, yeah, maybe a little. But no more than normal! LOL ... Not that I can say anything anyway ............ ;)
