Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I spent a good deal of time before writing that last entry and really worried over it before I did... There's several problems about venting when it's about a friend. One is that almost anyone you vent to is going to know them too... Another is it's easy to be overly harsh when you're venting. I hope I didn't cross that line. I love friend a like a sister... one of the reasons I don't want to lose her friendship. Also why, or one reason why, all of this has really bothered me.

So obviously I don't think she's a bad person. I don't think that spreading hate intentionally (looking back at the post I'm afraid I may have come across that way and I really didn't mean too). If you read the email in question you'd know that (or do know that). What I do think is that she's somehow let herself become influenced by propaganda. I think it's sad... esp since she does send out those emails to everyone. I just pray that she gets past this and that they don't take what she said at face value... and of course for the situation in general.


  1. Knowing you and knowing the other person I know that neither one of you wants to lose your friendship. I also know that neither one of you would do anything out of hate, and would not intentually spread hate. You both are very opinionated people (not a bad thing necessarily) but when talking about something that effects you sooo personally things are bound to get a little heated. Hangin in there and I am sure that you two will be ok. It might be a rocky road, but if you are willing to try.... things will work out. LOVE YOU BOTH!

  2. Thanks! That's what I was trying to get across... I know she wouldn't do that and I was afraid someone might think that from reading my last post what that's the last thing I would try to imply.

  3. I was about to type out a long comment trying to be reassuring, but Abby said it well. So ditto to her. ;)
