Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Stress

I'm horrible. I know I should be cleaning up and instead I'm sitting here doing this.


We still have not told her. Its driving me nuts. As much as I don't want to hear whatever she has to say, I want it over with. I actually dreamed I told her last night... In the dream she asked about when I was gonna start my period (???) and how it should be soon... and I told her that I was pg. She just looked at me smugly not saying anything and then I passed out in the dream. Not the weirdest dream that night by far, but still... this one I at least know where it came from. One of my mom's being pregnant, storing baby stuff in a shed where it got bird poop on it, and going out on a trip w/ my dead best friend who was begging me to call her more... not so much.

Beyond that...

My husband has gone nuts. I'm blaming my FIL... Well, him plus crazy pg hormones, that you know fathers get too lol.

But seriously, before we started trying we sat down and talked about it. Worked everything out in our heads & figured it would be a good time. No we're not rich, but we knew it'd work out.... Then things got crazy tight & I second guessed our decision. He said no, that we'd still be ok. Since then I've gone over it all in my head a million times.. and yes it's tight but I know he was right, we will manage.

So my FIL reacts by saying "Damn it! You can't afford another kid." and all the sudden my hubby has taken it to heart. Now he's driving me crazy worrying about everything and trying to readjust our budget. In and of itself that's not a bad thing... We don't need cable. It makes sense to get rid of it... will loosen things up a bit. That's great. But he's making it sound life and death and its really stressing me out. And I don't need that right now.

Now I'm here second guessing ourselves yet again... I want to be happy about this baby (and I am) but this is putting a serious damper on it. I know part of it is just me being over emotional, but good grief...

Anyways, I need to clean if little miss will let me.


  1. Well, he might as well get over it, since a baby is definitely on the way. Maybe you could make some crafts and start an Etsy shop? Or start selling old crap on Ebay or Craig's list? Those are easy ways to bring in a little extra cash. I have been considering an Etsy shop myself.

    You guys will make it work.

  2. No kidding. We talked earlier (kinda had to, I burst into tears lol) and he is still happy about the baby and knows we're gonna be ok.

    I did open an etsy shop for some rosaries I made in college & none of them have sold... had another site w/ them and options for custom ones, and have only sold one.

    I'm not sure if I've mentioned it on the other site or not, but we've been looking into me being a rep on Go Baby Go for awhile... and finally decided I should go for it. That decision was made around the same time we found out about the baby... So that should help too. He just printed out my paperwork too so as soon as I get that in....
