Thursday, March 12, 2009

Worried.. Again

What do you do when there's a teenager in your life that thinks they know it all? Worse yet that you see making bad decisions?

I'm in this awkward situation here... I can't quite say what I'm thinking to her. Not just fear of pissing her off, but I can get in trouble w/ her parents if I do. I can't bring these things up to her parents for the same exact reason....

The last time we talked she told me a few things that were rather disturbing about the situation she's in now. Stuck me in a spot thats not so easy on my conscience (if it were my daughter I would want to know). Thankfully her mom does now... but I'm not sure if she knows the extent of it. The sex yes, but the rest of it I'm not so sure she does...

Anyways, we ended up having another talk recently where she mentioned her mom finding out.. and that she's having a trip to the dr soon... to be put on birth control. Enter fight w/ husband. I'm sorry, but no amount of her saying that they are researching them first is going to convince me that they are... (for one thing I know if her mom actually knew how they work she would not be using it either). Added to that... at her age... how responsible is she gonna be w/ it? (To the extent that term applies in this situation). I completely agree w/ him that its' the less of two evils here... I don't want her stuck w/ this guy... is why I hadnt said anything when she told me they were using condoms before... But still. There's a huge difference between condoms (few health risks vs. major religious issue) and some of the other forms (major health risks vs. major religious issue vs. moral issues in general).

Beyond that whole issue... it still doesn't address the fact that she's in a particularly bad situation wether she knows it or not. We looked at a certain networking page the other day... Where in one paragraph she goes on and on about how she wants to marry this guy and have his babies (?!?) and in the next how she doesn't kow if he cares about her and how he's broken her heart in the past but it doesn't matter because they're together now!

It all makes me want to scream. I really care about this person... But as of now all I can really do is pray for her... and trying to use another particular site to get some info across w/out looking like I am actually doing it lol. But we'll see how that goes. So far looks like it may not happen in time.

I need the sweetpea from cafemom where it's hitting its head against a brick wall...

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear this situation. It sounds horrible. :-( you'll figure it out;-)
