Friday, June 19, 2009

Catching Up

Being without a computer stinks.
I have several post ideas that I need (and that is the correct word here) to write... but it means getting on here, the wii, to do it... and that's a huge task. I can't while the baby is up... I can sit down at a computer for a few seconds no problem, but the wii is a whole different story. My phone is great for checking email and facebook... (well I can't see half of what friends post, but if you tag me or comment on my stuff I'm good lol... So I see what's important) but blogging and it don't really get along. Besides, its connected to the other blog anyway.

Beyond that... losing the comp meant losing all of my charting stuff! So you can imagine how rough that's been lol. One of my cousins brought up a good point... in that maybe it'll help me not overthink all of that and just let it happen. Which I can see. Of course this all happened after I ovulated so moot point anyway. For now I am still temping (but that's all) and recording that into my phone calendar. So when the program is put into our desktop (which was going to happen anyway) I have some info to put in and keep it up to date. I don't know if its because of all this at all or our vacation or what... but I am more laid back about it this month. I will be testing of course lol... but I'm not getting my hopes up at all. I don't really think its likely (which may be the reason) anyway.

But yeah... Several posts in mind, so hopefully I'll get to them soon.


  1. Sorry about the computer! And I am so glad you're back -- you've been missed!

  2. Thanks! I've missed being on lol. Unfortunately I'm not completely back though. Its hard to do much on here... Takes twice as long so I visit far fewer people... before I could do it in minutes, that I can spare... this I just can't. Plus my spelling is atrocious and I can't fix it on here lol. I keep finding new mistakes in my posts and just cringe lol.
