Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good Grief

Its funny really...

When it comes to how to raise your child everyone has something to say. Including me lol. I won't lie, I pass on advice all the time... But you all know this lol. So typically it doesn't bother me. Agree, disagree, whatever... We can debate it or not... Life goes on. Hopefully everyone learns something.

But there are times...

Seriously... it's like you can't make anyone happy. Either you rely too much on things passed down from friends/family... or you rely too much on what you've read from whatever source... Despite the fact that you're pretty sure you balance everything pretty well and go w/ what works for your family.

Or better yet, everything you say gets twisted around to something that's just flat out wrong.

Or they slide in little digs about you into the mix...

Sorry... stepping off my soapbox now...

Obviously having a rough week...

Don't ya know it I'm a bad mother who forces her kid to sleep too much (not just that, but I do it to keep her busy since we have nothing else to do with her), has no family involved to give me advice... forcing me resort to "guys" on the internet who despite having studied these things extensively have no real knowledge, and has people lie in wait to jump on anyone who comments on a status message.

Oh wait... but I have plenty of things to do w/ her... and do... And I have family that's involved... even if they aren't nearby. And my friends have better things to do...


  1. Geez .... I didn't know all those things about you. Maybe I shouldn't be your friend anymore. ;)

    In all seriousness, that's freaking ridiculous. First of all, YOU are mama, so you get the final decision. Period. You and your husband get to decide what happens in your family. Every one else's opinions are unimportant. Besides that, I KNOW that you're working hard to get as much information as you possibly can. That makes you an excellent mama. I can tell that you're working hard to ensure that you make the absolute best decisions you can for you by talking to EVERY source you can. If that makes you a such a terrible mother/person, then it makes me and thousands of other moms terrible mothers as well.

    You and I may not always choose the same methods, or the same parenting style, or even the same things to emphasize in our own home. But I have never doubted nor ever will, that you are making the decisions that work best for your daughter and your family, and that you are an amazing mother. (((HUGS))) Love you!

  2. Sounds frustrating. People without young babies in the house, seem to forget what it is like to have a baby. Do what makes your family happy.

  3. Thanks both of you...

    Is funny, out of all the mommy friends I know.. there are some things we all agree w/ and some we don't... It varies between which friend it is lol and I've never blinked an eye about that.

    Now if I think something isn't safe... yeah I'll say something... but if they choose to do it anyway, they do. Not my kid, not my decision. I don't have to like it... but it doesn't make anyone a bad parent.

    I really didn't expect this over something that's not even that controversial. I've never heard of anyone going to bat over how many hours a kid sleeps lol.

    Thankfully it did get worked out. We even talked about the napping while over there thing and it sounds like (hopefully) they back us up.

  4. It was completely crazy! I was so angry I almost wrote a ranting blog myself. I choose as you know to keep my mouth shut but I have this intrinsic desire to stand up for my friends.... I totally vented to Kevin about it last night :-) I am glad you got it worked out... I just could not believe what was said...we will have to talk soon. Oh and incase I haven't made my self clear... YOU ARE A GREAT MOTHER (course as I don't have kids what do I know...oh wait I work every day with kids who have horrible I atleast have some clue ;-) )
