Blah. Blah blah... blah blah blah.
Sorry just how I feel right now lol.
Anyways... We are finally catching up around here. Is a great feeling.
What's not a great feeling is the fact that now not only do we not have a computer but this thing is acting up more and more. Now its not letting me comment on blogs at all... because it won't let me put in my id to do so. I can't even click it over to anonymous. Ok, so its not on everyone's blogs. Some do it some don't... but if I'm not commenting that's why... until this thing decides I can do so again there's nothing that we can do about it. Aggrivating beyond belief it is.
Hubby = tons of over time this week = we will soon be back to where we were before the wedding = great news and huge relief.
Unfortunately 3/4ths of our bills were due this week lol. Gotta love it. Worse all our bill info is online so I'm still scrambling to figure out what's going on with it.
Please pray the desktop is fixed soon. Sounds like a silly request I know... but I am so nervous w/out having easy access to basically our whole lives.
Baby making in serious gear here. No really... If I get pg this month I would be due in April (around my bday lol) - later than I hoped... but my sister graduates in May. They live about 6 hours away... which I know could be worse... We could be on opposite ends of the state, or in diff states, or countries... but still. Not doable if heavily pg. So if I don't get that way this month we're going to be back to not trying for a few months and the stress over what if it happens anyway. I know its up to God either way, and if we end up having to miss it then we do... but she's my baby sister and I really want to be there. But yeah, we're down to the goofy, all but standing on my head, ttc stuff. No really I do have a line (at least now)... I'm not using egg whites, taking vit A (afraid of getting too much), buying fertility vitamins or safe lubes, standing on my head or standing under trees for birds to poo on my head. I am praying though and asking St. Gerard to pray for me as well... I pulled out my diva cup (or kept it out rather) and propping - sorry tmi there on both of those lol, and planning to get robitussin (plain) in a week or two... plus going back on my taking B6 starting today. Trying to add healthy fertility foods to diet as well. If its meant to happen it will, but I'm gonna try & help it along lol.
Yes I am laughing at myself over that last bit...
Is anyone else worried about the whole possible tax on energy? Seriously that will eat us... Part of me is sticking my head in the sand and not reading the news (easy to do for me right now lol) and part is scrambling to know and figure out what we'll do if it goes through.
A friend gave us a sling the other day... a Maya wrap I think (need to go look). Is one of the ones I was interested in at first but out of price range... She also gave us some wool diaper covers... one is so tiny! Cute...
Really thankful for that, but brings to mind some of the slings I have. 2 were given by a friend, really appreciated since my hotslings didn't fit right. Unfortunately they didn't either. Another friend got pg last year and showed interest so I said I'd send her one... but she never got back to me w/ the address and... well... hasn't gotten back with me period. I know her baby was born because it was in the paper... and I get that they're busy w/ new baby... So wasn't too worried that she didn't take calls or return them for awhile. But the last time I called her hubby answered, acted distant and said he'd give her my message and I still haven't heard. On top of that he joined facebook awhile back (note we were friends too) and refused my friend request. I have no clue what's going on w/ all of that. The last time we talked we had a really nice conversation.... I just don't get it. Sad.
I should prob go clean the bathroom or something lol.
Ouch! Just moved... Have I mentioned that I tripped on my yoga mat yesterday? Wrenched my back and ankle... hit my knee and hand. Hand doesn't hurt anymore... and neither does my ankle really. The other two don't feel so good. Not cool. Silly baby dragging the thing everywhere lol.
September: A Month of Firsts
8 years ago
I am sorry about your friend. I am sorry about your blah mood. I am very happy to hear that you are well on your way ttc :-) praying for you on this end as well. I hope you had a good 4th.