I meant to write this days ago lol.
So I'm now getting teased that I'm going to be one of those women on that show that didn't know they were pregnant. No I'm not. But things are just weird enough that my husband convinced me to take a test last week on day 14 of my cycle!
Backing up... I took a test last cycle, just before my period. Negative. Then I started. Was a bit lighter than normal, but definately there. On top of that, my temp dropped around that time and has remained low just like it should before ovulation. And... that random out of nowhere test was neg again!
So why did we test? Because he noticed that my stomach is hard like it was before, and I've gained weight. Seriously gained weight. 10 lbs out of nowhere. No complaints... I need those 10 lbs. They put me at my ideal weight... but still. Out of nowhere. Throw in the fact that despite our daughter nursing a little less, I'm making more milk (is not engorgment either) and his suggesting I test didn't sound too crazy at the time. But yeah, it said no.
Since then my temp dropped even lower... Thankfully it was normal today (mid 97's), but yesterday it was 96.91 and the day before it was 95.something. Just weird.
Oh well... We're still trying lol... So there should be another test in a little over 2 weeks. So at the very latest I'll post again then lol.
September: A Month of Firsts
8 years ago
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