Thursday, May 21, 2009

Round 2

Sorry with everything else that's happened... I completely forgot to update.

I did give in and test again yesterday lol... once again it said no. A little more disappointed this time... but it was only day 12.

My temp hasn't gone down yet... not anywhere near the cover line anyway... Did go down to high 97 this morning (only a few points from 98) but its done that earlier too... and it was taken early at that. Kalila woke me up around 5 or so... Doesn't really mean anything though because in past cycles, sometimes it goes down the day or two before starting and sometimes not until I do. But at least there's still a chance.

We'll see...


  1. Still praying that you'll come up w/ a positive soon!

  2. Thanks!

    Btw, I went to put my stuff in... and my temp being taken so early it bumped it up to 98.2... I wasn't thinking it was low before, but no question it hasn't dropped now lol.
